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2024 Subscriptions now in the Shop

2024 Subscriptions now in the Shop

Kevin Messenger11 Feb - 13:20
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Payment requested for all 2024 subscriptions

2024 Subscriptions are now requested and available to purchase via the shop on the club website.

Click here to find this page.

Over the forthcoming week, we will begin to launch the new playing, training and social kit ranges for the 2024 season through our new suppliers at Kitlocker.

There will be a chance to win a club shop voucher to spend on new kit for any members paying their subscription by April 1st. Every member paying their subscriptions in full by this date will be eligible for the draw to win.

We have 4 vouchers available covering Men’s (£75), Women’s (£75) Juniors (£60) and Social (£40) members.

If you have any queries on which membership, you should be playing, please send a message through to any of our committee members who will help.

Further reading