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Dynamos Free Spring Session - Sunday 24th March 3.15pm

Dynamos Free Spring Session - Sunday 24th March 3.15pm

Chris Long11 Mar - 16:49
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Dynamos is the new name for Kwiks!

On Sunday 24th March at 3.15pm we are running a one off Dynamos session at the Kibworth Mead Academy. This is open to all the kids who did it last year (apart from the kids who have moved up an age group) and to any new kids who would like to come and give it a go.

It is aimed at school years 3 and 4 but if you child is a little older and wants to come and try it out then, that's absolutely fine. Again if your child is a little younger but is really keen and showing signs of real interest then feel free to bring them along.

The session is completely free, no kit required and you just need to turn up. It will be outside on the 3g, so if it's bit chilly remember to wrap your child up!!

Any questions please get in touch on the number below.

Chris - 07963 067683

Date - Sunday 24th March
Time - 3.15 - 4.30pm
Venue - Kibworth Mead Academy - 3g pitch

Further reading